Jeremi Gallant

Director & General Manager

Jeremi Gallant is a business professional with a background in accounting. As an alumnus of Eastern Business College, he focuses on business management.

Jim Adams

Client Solutions / Founder

A diverse wealth of experience in finance, politics, marketing, journalism and general business enables Jim Adams to bring an exceptional range of skills to the table. He is highly adept at developing forward-thinking strategies and policies as well as incisive problem solving. He works with Excelsior clients to develop strategies for achieving their goals.

Santhi Tagore

Accounting Coordinator

Santhi coordinates the overall accounting services for Excelsior and our clients. She is also responsible specifically for the transfer agency books and working with our auditors.

Kapila David


Kapila joined us in as an experienced accounting professional in 2017. He handles both in-house and client accounting.

Chulangi Kodagoda


Chulangi is a seasoned accounting professional who joined us in 2023 and assists our clients maintain accurate and timely financial accounts.